Engines Specifically

Today let’s talk about cars, engines specifically. Motors use to be more basic. You could fix your own motor when something went wrong. You would just have to identify the problem, and then you would go buy the part needed at your local auto repair shop. (Sometimes it was the leaky radiator, a bad belt, the breaks, a headlight, etc…) You would bring it home, roll up your sleeves and dig in to the engine beneath that hood.

It seemed like every man, and every teenager knew how to work on a car. Even some women would know the basics of what might be wrong. I would see cars here and there in driveways or a home garage, being worked on by the owner. Maybe a buddy would stop by and lend a hand.

Today, I don’t see cars with hoods up and a man or 2 (or 3) leaning under the hood fixing it. I asked myself why? Oh yeah… because now the moters are run by computer chips, and when you can identify the problem, you can’t get to it because it is covered, and unreachable!

You know that was done on purpose, right?

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